
Just an 18yo gay hockey playing guy from ILly.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

swimmers... yes. wait- what?

i woke up at five in the morning today. i wore the same outfit two days in a row. i got on a bus filled with assorted crazy hobos. sat on a beach in record temperatures. drank a gallon+ of liquids. ate crappy bbq- but it was worth it. what could make that experience worth it? swimmer bodies. i worked a charity swimming event in downtown Chi-town. i love swimmers. theyre often way too built for their own good- tall, lithe. just beautiful. (i wont mention that divers often look much better) but i will say that there are also some really unattractive swimmers as well. why do old men think they look good in speedos? sit down. this aint pride, where anyone gets away with wearing nothing. put on pants. i remembered something else about me today- i think girls with guys haircuts are often really cute. i mean. i could totally like them in a very gay way. also- i sleep too much. i take 1-2 hr naps every day and dont do much exercise as to tire me out. the best part of me napping is that my parents walk in, wake me up, and expect me to have lucid conversations with them. my dad woke me up about an hour and a half ago and just started having a conversation with me. all i remember is that i said uh-huh and then what over and over again... odd. this was kind of stream of consciousness. wait- what? M2- out.


  1. Damn girls with short hair. Nothing worse then when you're like Oh man check out that guy, then get close and see it's a chick. Then you sit there and question your sexuality because you just got a hard on by a woman

  2. haha... agreeed. its so awkward. and girls with short hair are always lesbians... which makes it even more awkward.

  3. years ago i got caught cruising "a guy" with really short hair and no real boobage.. it was a girl... trying to look like a boy... i was embarrassed, and when she started over to talk to me i knew i was in for it... here it comes, i thought, the "i am a lesbian and a woman not an object for your penis to ogle speech..." ugh.. run! turns out she wanted to know if i thought she was a dude... i said yea, and she was really happy.. apparently by cruising her i had made her day....

  4. haha... its weird what ppl do sometimes... i have a friend who would be pleased to hear he has a vagina... but thats another story altogether... penis ogling.... that sounds like a new gay olympic event...

  5. Hey now, not all girls with short hair are lesbians. Unless someone forgot to flip the lesbian switch in my brain.
    I do have a fondness for androgynous/boyish women, but I think that's cause a more appropriate label for my orientation would be "attracted to masculinity".

  6. Ok, you can't do a post on swimmers and have me not respond. Ha!

    Mikey (ok to call you just Mikey?), try swimming (and showering and changing and traveling) with hot, in shape swimmers year round. Dude, it is painful.

    Glad you are blogging. Keep it up (that's what he said).

