
Just an 18yo gay hockey playing guy from ILly.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

about me

I totally realized as i wrote the last one that i should probably talk a little bit about myself-
im a fruit; a homo; light in the loafers; gay; a fag (lets get all the names out of the way now).
i like penis (just wanted to make sure you got the message)
ive had possibly the worst year of my life
-my mom has breast cancer
-my friend/teammate commited suicide
-i got booted out of an activity i loved (hint: not hockey)
-i got ditched by dbag friends
im in love with at least three guys at once
i talk consistently about the aforementioned males all the time
im slightly reverse bi-curious
im a buddhist/ hardcore philosopher
i love talking to people- any people- and helping them solve problems
im loud and attention loving (but what fruit isnt)


  1. Bro- I'm so glad to see that you got a blog. Keep posting and I'll be reading, even throughout college. Peace out. I'm sorry about the events that are going on in your life. Keep strong, bro.


    P.S.- have you read GQ's guide to homophobia? Funny shit. :)

  2. Glad to see you're working things out. I have chatted with you some on Maddy's chat room before, it's been awhile and I think you're a very sincere guy. If I can be of any help, let me know. I think you are in the Chicago area? as I am.


  3. hey z, been too long, bud. and i know you root for the right team, davey b. were you at the parade?

  4. I remember you talking about your Mom a bit, but I didn't know about the friend. Mikey I'm so sorry, for that and for everything else you're dealing with. I feel like I haven't been a good friend, we haven't talked in so long. Dude, if you ever need to talk you know where to find me. It's kinda my job at school to help people, and I LOVE doing it, so reach out if you need to.

    Also, I think reverse bi-curious makes you the opposite of me; homoflexible :)
