
Just an 18yo gay hockey playing guy from ILly.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"The Second Coming"

so i've wanted to join the blog scene for a while now, as im sure all the old guys from hockeykidmn remember- so i bit the bullet and just did it. before i started posting, i just wanted to say a few things-
1. this is not, and was never intended to/ever will be, a replacement for "mikey"one. i know everybody wants a second mikey- but im not him... exactly...
2. im not him. thats good and bad. i can be a lot better than he was and i can be the age i say i am. but if youre expecting another mn- too frickin bad.
3. im not totally consistent when it comes to things. i dont have PaTT3Rns of typing like a certain someone claimed to have- i abbrev. what i think i should, and i Capitalize what i want. deal.
4. I LOVE YOU ALL. anyone who already knows me has offered unmeasurable support, and i created this blog- in a way- to give back.
5. here goes. im gonna dive in head first. read my next post for your first introduction to mikeytoo's life.

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